Hey,我是刘硕,现任快手IM中台服务端技术负责人,为快手各类产品提供IM、客服类整体解决方案。 2012年于北京邮电大学— 网络与交换技术国家重点实验室获得工学硕士学位后,先后在ZDNS、 小米、Amazon工作, 在互联网行业沉淀10年并具有多年管理经验,同时在IM、社交、短视频、直播、游戏、物流、DNS、网络基础设施等领域拥有 超过100项专利授权 ,授权国家包括中国、美国、欧洲、日本和俄罗斯。
本人在大型分布式服务架构设计、大数据处理以及高性能、高并发、高可用服务研发等方面具有丰富的经验,对微服务架构、领域驱动设计、敏捷开发等有较为深刻的认知和应用,多次带团队完成公司级重要项目的落地。 同时,在技术人才的选拔、培养和团队的效能提升方面也有成熟的理念和丰富的实践,面试超过百名候选人,长期负责团队的梯队建设,目前作为快手主站技术晋升评委负责人才晋升评估工作。
Hei, I'm Stuart Lau, Lead of Kuaishou, Instant Messaging team, our responsibility is to provide platforms, services and solutions for all Kuaishou business regarding messaging, such as Social Networking, Instant Messaging, Customer Service, etc.
In 2012, I got master’s degree in State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , after that I have worked at ZDNS, Xiaomi, Amazon.
With more than 10 years of experience in software engineering and 5 years of management, I also have obtained near 100 patents in China , US, Europe, Russia and Japan, all of which are granted in fields like IM, Social Networking, Live Stream, Short Video, Gaming, DNS, Algorithms, etc.